Procedure Pack Flap Sx10 product photo
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Procedure Pack Flap Sx10

Product ID: 000000000001741220
Above all, VisuMax® means: high precision flaps for both, Femto-LASIK and LASIK-PRESBYOND® Laser Blended Vision procedures. Combined with the excimer laser MEL® 90 and the treatment planning station CRS-Master®, it offers an optimal and uniquely tailored system solution for refractive laser surgery, offering a convenient workflow, efficient patient management and the best possible results. Please be aware that Procedure Packs are sterile products. The expiry date of the Procedure Packs is usually minimum 12 months from the shipment date. Includes: A Flap Procedure Pack includes one contact glass and one treatment license.
Price as per contract
Technical Data
Standard Delivery Package
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Standard Delivery


Standard delivery times for products “Available to order” is 5-6 working days from the date of placing the order.

Standard delivery times for products under “Out of stock” tag can be up to 2-3 weeks from the date of placing the order.

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ZEISS India Online Team